Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera
$11.99 – $84.99
Perfect for sensitive skin!
The marvelous benefits of Magnesium are now enhanced with the cell restoring, healing properties of Aloe Vera!
Magnesium Gel
Our Magnesium Gel is silky and smooth ~ leaving skin more supple than before! The Magnesium Gel is weaker than the Magnesium Oil and is perfect for those with sensitive skin. From start to finish this is your complete hair and body product! Cleanse and moisturize your skin and scalp while restoring vital Magnesium.
Magnesium Gel may be applied full strength to the skin and hair to restore lost minerals due to aging. You may experience tightness when applied to the skin ~ IT IS WONDERFUL!
Available in 2 ounce, 4 ounce flip top, 12 ounce, 64 ounce (with optional pump dispenser), and 1 Gallon (with optional pump dispenser) bottles.
Why Aloe Vera?
Aloe Vera, one of natures finest moisturizers, softens and revitalizes chapped, moisture-deprived skin while helping normal skin retain moisture. Aloe Vera has been used for centuries by many cultures by warriors like Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus to treat wounded soldier’s wounds, Egyptian Queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra used valuable herb to create smooth, beautiful skin. Adding this to our Magnesium products creates a winning combination that soothes the skin leaving it soft and supple with a healthy glow.
Additional Information
Weight | N/A |
Size | 2 oz, 4 oz, 12 oz, 64 oz, 1 Gal |
Who is deficient?
- Up to 90% of the population of the United States is Magnesium deficient!
- Women pass their deficiencies on to their children – when a woman is deficient in one mineral during pregnancy, it will take 3 generations of supplementation for that one mineral to be restored!
- People who exercise – Physical exertion strips Magnesium from inside the cells
- People who do not exercise! – Those who do not exercise generally deal with stress and frustrations which need to be eliminated.
- The young, the middle aged, and the elderly – Virtually everyone.
- Those on medication – Prescription and OTC
- Anyone consuming the Standard American Diet – The ground is stripped of nutrients and when added to processed foods, sugars, and chemicals, there is little wonder we are lacking in Magnesium along with most other nutrients. Additionally, cooking foods decreases nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Why are we deficient?
Metabolic Stress
- Poor diet – sugar, processed foods, insufficient nutrients
- Nutrient deficient soil
- Synthetic vitamins & supplements
- Prescription and over-the-counter drugs
- Nutritional imbalances resulting in Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Migraines, Cardiomyopathy, Hypertension, Arrhythmia, etc.
- Excess need for nutrients over supply
- Excess supply of junk food over need
- Chemical intake – alcohol, tobacco, additives
- Aspartame aka Equal®, NutraSweet®, and Canderel®
- MSG aka Hydrolized Vegetable Protein
- Parabens
- Caffeine
Physical Trauma
- Childbirth
- Multiple Pregnancies
- Accidents
- Burns
- Hemorrhage
- Surgery
- Radiation
- Chemotherapy
- Insomnia
Mothers given an injection of Magnesium just before giving birth are much less likely to have children who develop Cerebral Palsy. – Dr. Shealy
Environmental Stress
- Exhausting Exercise
- Pollution
- Smoke
- Flashing Lights
- Vibration
- Noise
- Radiation
Psychological Stress
- Aggravation
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Mood disorders
- Pressure
- Frustration
- Hormone imbalance
- Loss
- Conflict
- Threats
- Insomnia
- Buried emotions
- Depression
- Drugs + OTC’s
What is the science?
- The human body is made up of 75 to 100 trillion cells
- Cells are supposed to have a specific shape and gap between them
- Each one of these cells have the ability to communicate and receive messages from other cells
- 1% of the Magnesium in the body is in the blood and except for extreme cases of acute alcoholism, starvation, or diabetic acidosis a deficiency will never be discovered through a blood test
- Magnesium is supposed to be the 7th most abundant mineral in the body
- Magnesium is responsible for the relaxation phase of the muscles and the heart
- Magnesium is required in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body
- One function of Magnesium is to regulate the nerves
What are some conditions helped with Magnesium?
- Abrasions
- Abscesses – human & pet
- Achilles Tendon pain
- Animals LOVE Magnesium – apply it to ear flaps
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Blood Pressure – lower
- Body Building
- Braxton Hicks
- Bronchial Spasms
- Bruises
- Burns
- Bursitis
- Cholesterol – lower
- Constipation
- Crow’s Feet
- Cuticles
- Cuts
- Deodorant
- Diabetes II
- Dry skin
- Energy
- Exercise pain
- Eyelids – drooping
- Fingernails
- Gums
- Growing Pains
- Hair & nails
- Headaches
- Heart Palpitations
- Hyper Activity
- Incontinence
- Infertility
- Insomnia
- Irregularity
- Large pores
- Leg Cramps
- Menstrual issues
- Migraines
- Moles & Warts
- Muscle cramps
- Muscle repair
- Neuropathy
- Pain
- Psoriasis
- Regularity
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Rosecea
- Scars
- Skin Irritations
- Skin Tabs
- Smashed Fingers
- Sore Muscles
- Spider Veins
- Stress
- Sunburns
- Swollen Eyes
- Teeth
- Toenail Fungus
- Tooth Infection
- Wounds
Client complaints from Massage therapists and other practitioners
Signs which alert the practitioner to the fact that magnesium is wanting include poor nutrition without a definite cause; nasal, bronchial, secretory, eliminative membranes laden with catarrh; putrid discharges; acidity throughout the body; feces backed up in the bowel.
- Acid bowel
- Acute diarrhea
- Acute enteritis
- Alcoholic overindulgence
- Anger
- Annoying muscle twitches
- Arthritis deformans
- Axillary gland swelling
- Beri-beri
- Bloody diarrhea
- Catarrh of the eye lens
- Congestion affecting nerve ends & nets
- Dim sight
- Edematous effusion
- Extreme colitis
- Eyes tearing excessively
- Freckles
- Globus hysterious
- Hardened liver
- Headache following emotional excess
- Headache which intensifies after menses
- Headaches brought on by nervousness
- Heart pains
- Hysterical outbursts due to pelvic region & sex brain nerve ends & nerve fiber irritation
- Inclination toward infection & germ invasion
- Infantile spasms
- Itchy pimples
- Lenticular cataract
- Lochial suppression
- Metritis
- Motion-induced toothache
- Mucus accumulation in nasal passages or base of brain
- Mulberry rash
- Muscular neuralgia
- Nearsightedness
- Nerve stress
- Nerve structure ruptures
- Nerve-induced dysmenorrhea
- Nervous palpitation
- Nosebleeds
- Numbed body surfaces due to nerve debility
- Oppression from summer heat
- Overconsumption of phosphorus & sulphur resulting in fermentation
- Overexcitement
- Painful eyes
- Painful, swollen hemorrhoids
- Partial paralysis of lower legs
- Polyneuritis potatorum
- Poor elimination
- Saturine epilepsy
- Seborrhea
- Sensation of pulling in head
- Sexual system depletion
- Sinusitis
- Specific types of insanity
- Swelling maler bone
- Swelling of labia majora
- Tetanic convulsions due to irritated nerves
- Thumb cramps
- Tympanitis
- Ulcers as a result of acidity
- Unrelenting headache
- Urine retention
- Vasomotor neurosis
- Wandering neuritis fascians
- Wax buildup in ears
- Whooping cough
Except for patients with kidney failure, there is virtually NO illness which is not helped significantly by Magnesium!” – Dr Shealy
What are food sources of Magnesium?
- Almonds
- Apricots
- Avocados
- Barley
- Beans, white lima garbanzo
- Beet tops, greens
- Beets
- Brown rice & rice bran
- Chestnuts
- Comfrey leaves
- Dandelion
- Dates
- Dulse
- Endive
- Figs
- Lentils
- Mint
- Mustard greens
- Nettles
- Oats
- Parsley
- Pomegranates
- Rye
- Savoy cabbage
- Sunflower seeds
- Walnuts
- Whole wheat
- Yellow corn meal
- Raw Corn Soup
- 1 ½ cups corn-off-the-cob
- 1 ½ teaspoons vegetable broth seasoning
- Bay leaves (optional)
- 1 ½ cups raw milk (Almond or Goat)
- Blend until smooth serve cool or slightly warmed
Take charge of your life and your health starting today!
For complete directions click the “How to Use Tab”
Check out our other great products: Aloe Vera, Magnesium Prills, Magnesium Snow, Laminar Mica, Hemp Hearts, Viralib®, Potassium Iodide!
- Massage Magnesium Gel into the body to relieve stress & tension.
- After bathing or showering, apply to the body then pat dry.
- Apply full strength to hair before drying for added control when styling or for a more natural look.
- Mix 1 part shampoo with 1 part gel and shampoo normally.
- Personalize your experience!
Feel free to personalize your Magnesium Oil and Magnesium Gel by adding essential oils or adding these to your favorite lotion or cream (preferably all natural!), even layering Coconut Oil for an exotic experience!! If using essential oils, remember to shake the blend every time you use it as the essential oils will separate from the Magnesium products! Enjoy!
Check out our other great products: Aloe Vera, Magnesium Prills, Magnesium Snow, Laminar Mica, Hemp Hearts, Viralib®, Potassium Iodide!
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