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Absolutely not! First because we have no competition. We believe in selling only the highest quality products to our customers and providing the best customer service possible! Our Magnesium Oil USP is a 30.6-31.3% solution of Magnesium Chloride extracted from pre-tested brine wells from the Great Salt Lake. This is purified and filtered to remove contaminants, creating a product that meets or exceeds USP standards. Because of this level of purity there is no danger of heavy metals, regardless of what other websites report. This product is crystal clear and free of contaminants. It is impossible to have a higher concentration of Magnesium in any Magnesium Chloride solution without adding other ingredients or misrepresenting the concentration. In order for Magnesium Chloride (liquid) to be designated as such, the concentration will be between 28.1 – 31.3%. Any weaker and it is not Magnesium Chloride; any stronger and it is not a liquid by definition. The dry (hexahydrate) form will have a concentration of 60.0 – 66.8% and it is easy to get confused if the suppliers do not report this accurately. Just how pure is our Magnesium Oil? It is used intravenously in dialysis patients!

The original clinical trials proved Health and Wisdom’s Magnesium Chloride is the best quality (US Pharmaceutical quality) to raise intracellular magnesium levels. This form is in its elemental state (meaning no conversion by the body is necessary) and it totally usable. Other forms of magnesium must be converted by the body to be effective. Every ounce of Health and Wisdom’s Magnesium Oil USP contains 3182 mg of elemental magnesium. Other companies claim to have higher levels of magnesium and, while the volume is true, the available amount for absorption is not accurate. The amount of magnesium in a product means nothing if it is not elemental and absorbable. One example is Magnesium Oxide. As a dietary supplement only 4-10% of the amount listed on the product label is ever utilized by the body. Proof that just because a product contains something does not mean it is the best source for the human body.

Much of the magnesium chloride used today had its origins in seawater. Salts, such as sodium chloride and magnesium chloride, are transported to the oceans by Earth’s rivers as they drain the weathering continents. In that way, over millions of years, the oceans have become huge storage reservoirs of salts. Magnesium can be derived either from seawater or from magnesium-rich minerals deposited during the slow evaporation of ancient seas. It does not matter if magnesium chloride is “mined”from the Netherlands, the Dead Sea, the oceans, the Permian sea beds in the US, or the Great Salt Lake. What does matter is the purity. Do not be swayed by stories of ancient guarded wells – it is the same hole in the earth’s crust that holds the magnesium chloride.

Independent Testing: USP (United States Pharmacopeia) Designation and Testing. There are two types of products labeled with the USP designation: one that guarantees metal and contaminant free products, and all the others. Sadly, not all products that state they are USP are safe to use.

Health And Wisdom’s Magnesium Oil USP is the very same material used in pharmaceutical products – some of which are a part of literally keeping a large number of people with certain disorders alive.

Health and Wisdom only uses Magnesium Chloride that is independently tested for purity by a lab adhering to ALL the pharmaceutical standards of the US Pharmacopeia including its Section of General Notices & Requirements.

Below are the differences in the types of products labeled USP that are available. Manufacturers who use certain outside labs for USP testing are asking for results based on USP monograph and nothing else. When a company submits their product with these instructions, you would like to presume the materials were already tested for heavy metals and other contaminants. In too many cases, you would be wrong. USP monograph testing on its own does not test for every potential concern and this is how products can be labeled as USP yet still contain harmful ingredients.



Tested by a lab staffed by PhD Chemists who have documented training to the USP test methods and ALL the General Notices & Requirements of USP

Potentially tested in a lab staffed by lab techs who have no experience with the test methods

FDA registered facility

No oversight by environmental regulatory agencies

Equipment measures parts per billion level and its detection limits in the matrix are validated (proven)

Equipment may measure in the parts per billion but there is no documentation to prove results are valid, accurate or precise

Qualifies (tests) raw materials for heavy metals and other contaminants NOT listed on USP monograph such as Arsenic, Mercury, Chromium, Aluminum

Does not test raw materials for heavy metals or contaminants; limits the test to only what is listed on USP monograph

Specializes in testing the materials including saline (salt) matrixes

If tested by an environmental lab or a manufacturer not following USP General Notices and Requirements, their specialties are Measuring metals in water, soils, and wastes

Validates test results – Validation is an extensive process involving proving the accuracy, precision, robustness, specificity, detection limit, quantitation limit and linearity range for identifying the analytes in question in the saline matrix.

If tested by an environmental lab or a manufacturer not following USP General Notices and Requirements, no test result validation is performed.

As part of General Notices & Requirements, there are regular analytical performance verifications to demonstrate the product is consistent and there is traceability to each and every unique lot of material tied to its Certificate of Analysis.

Material sold as USP but only tested to USP monograph has often been tested only once or twice and that Certificate of Analysis is presented as representative with NO documentation of the consistency of the product. There is NO traceability from the producer to the end user.


Each of these products contain different levels of magnesium so the product you choose will be the one that best suits your situation. While the product may not matter as much, the delivery method DOES matter! In order of absorption inside the cells the delivery methods are:

  • Intravenous – not many people will do this regularly!
  • Foot Soak – using the Magnesium Oil USP or Magnesium Bath Crystals
  • Tub Soak – using the Magnesium Bath Crystals
  • Direct skin application – using any of our Magnesium liquids – full strength or diluted. Apply liberally to the feet and hands 1-2 times per day.
  • Oral – the least effective delivery method as ALL forms of Magnesium are LAXATIVES! Magnesium needs to stay in the colon 12 to 24 hours to be absorbed. By time one takes enough to be of value at the cellular level, diarrhea happens and the magnesium is gone. Also, the properties of ALL forms of Magnesium is relaxation. When taken daily the peristaltic muscles in the colon stop working – just as any other muscle will cease working when it is not used – and this creates a dependency on laxatives. The properly functioning colon is vital to health and many parents not only take oral magnesium (laxatives) daily but give these to their children.

The best method for topical magnesium is What Will YOU Do? If you love a foot soak, great. If you prefer a tub soak, great. If you will only apply the product topically, great. BE CONSISTENT!

First ask yourself, “How will I be using these products?”

The Magnesium Oil USP works best diluted in a foot soak or sprayed on the skin and gently massaged in ~ full strength or diluted. For those with sensitive skin, diluting the Magnesium Oil USP is preferred. This may also be sprayed on the hair as a setting liquid. This is the strongest of the liquids and is as thin as water and may be applied by hand or with a sprayer (sold separately).

The Magnesium Oil plus Aloe Vera is about 75% the strength of the original Magnesium Oil USPand is good for those with sensitive skin for topical application. This can be diluted with water, if desired. Our Aloe Vera is certified organic, made from the whole leaf, and is four times stronger than commercial Aloe gel products. This is as thin as water and may be applied by hand or with a sprayer (sold separately).

The Magnesium Gel is about 50% the strength of the Magnesium Oil, blends well with shampoos and conditioners, may be rubbed on the skin (some use this in place of their moisturizers), or it may be used in place of conditioners. This is thicker and easier to apply by hand.

The Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera 50% the strength of the Magnesium Oil, blends well with shampoos and conditioners, may be rubbed on the skin (some use this in place of their moisturizers), or may be used in place of conditioners. The addition of Aloe Vera makes this the best choice for those with REALLY sensitive skin.

The Magnesium Bath Crystals are best used in the bath tub as they are super concentrated Magnesium Chloride and are the best choice for a high volume of water! (The Magnesium Oil USP can be used in the tub if you do not have the Magnesium Bath Crystals.) Because of the sea salts extreme caution should be used in any unit with jets.

That said, if you want to soak your feet ~ choose the Magnesium Oil USPor the Magnesium Bath Crystals

For direct skin application any of the liquids are fine. Application to the feet and hands are extremely beneficial!

If you want to mix something with shampoos & conditioners ~ choose the Magnesium Gel or Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera.

For a bath ~ choose the Magnesium Bath Crystals.

It really is a matter of personal choice. All the products are great! For detailed instructions for use of the specific products, click the “How to Use”tab above within each product. For more information or to BUY NOW visit the Magnesium Oil USP, Magnesium Oil plus Aloe Vera, Magnesium Gel, Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera, and Magnesium Bath Crystals pages!


Doing one foot soak or one tub soak six days a week for 4 weeks will significantly raise your intracellular magnesium levels while lowering the intracellular calcium levels and increasing DHEA – the youth hormone! Magnesium is the calcium regulator and responsible for relaxation. This belongs inside the cells. Calcium is responsible for constriction and belongs outside the cells. When magnesium levels drop – due to stress of any kind – the calcium will flow to the inside of the cell where it does not belong to protect the cell integrity. Increasing the magnesium levels through the skin will correct both these conditions.

  • Foot Soak – use four ounces of Magnesium Oil USP, or two ounces of Magnesium Bath Crystals, and enough water, of a comfortable temperature, to cover the tops of your toes. Soak 15 to 30 minutes. Towel dry or wipe with a damp cloth to remove any residue. Flush the liquid. Use fresh liquid every day for optimal effect. Do this six days a week for four weeks. After this time, some people continue to do this every day while others do this 2-3 times a week for maintenance. Listen to your body. When subtle symptoms return (remember, stress lowers magnesium) simply return to your soaks.
  • Tub Soak – add 2-3 scoops (2-3 liquid ounces by measure) to a bath of comfortable water. Soak 15 to 30 minutes. Towel dry or shower off any residue, if desired. Do this six days a week for four weeks. After this time, some people continue to do this every day while others do this 2-3 times a week for maintenance. Listen to your body. When subtle symptoms return (remember, stress lowers magnesium) simply return to your soaks.
  • Some people alternate the foot soak or the tub soak. That is totally fine but only temp-one or the other per day.
  • Direct application to the bottom of the feet and around the toes, and the hands and fingers is beneficial and, if done consistently will still increase the intracellular magnesium levels but this will not occur in 30 days. This may be the best for you and with time, the levels will still rise. Once dry the magnesium is fully absorbed and any residue (dried salts) may be removed with a damp cloth.

You can try but you will not end up with our Magnesium Oil USP. Our Magnesium Oil USP is mined as a liquid and goes through an extensive purification process, that does NOT involve bleach as many processes do, to achieve the quality designation of USP, United States Pharmacopoeia (pharmaceutical) grade. Our product is free of harmful contaminants and heavy metals – going way beyond what the government requires for purity. Our Magnesium Oil USP is used in intravenous dialysis procedures – it is THAT PURE! When applying Magnesium Oil USP topically you should want the purest form possible.

There is a high-heat process involved to create the Magnesium Bath Crystals from the Magnesium Oil USP to remove the moisture from the product. To revert the Crystals to liquid requires much more than simply adding water and you will not have USP Magnesium Oil.

Magnesium chloride is hygroscopic meaning it draws moisture from the atmosphere and why we recommend the Bath Crystals be stored in an air tight container – particularly if you live in a humid climate – to prevent the Crystals from turning into liquid before you want them to. Using the Magnesium Bath Crystals in a bath is great as they are super concentrated and the volume of water is significant so there is no concern in using “too much”per soak.

To obtain the highest, topical elemental (absorbable) magnesium, use our Magnesium Oil. For those with sensitive skin, use our Magnesium Oil plus Aloe Vera, Magnesium Gel, or Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera.

Note: The hygroscopic nature of Magnesium is one of the reasons we do not recommend ANY oral magnesium as it relaxes the colon and draws moisture in to flush fecal matter. You are basically creating a wide open water slide! Continued use of oral magnesium will result in laxative dependency. Now, if you are 80 years old, I will not try to talk you out of your laxative. BUT, if you are younger or a parent giving oral magnesium to your child – be aware, you are giving them LAXATIVES!

Magnesium Oil

The best way to get Magnesium into the cells of the body is through a foot soak with Health and Wisdom’s Magnesium Oil USP. Using four ounces, enough water to cover the tops of the toes, soaking 15 to 30 minutes daily will significantly raise the intracellular magnesium! Always adjust the volume used in each bath to the individual. A child, the elderly, the very sick will require less Magnesium Oil USP in each foot soak. Also, adjust the time accordingly.

Magnesium Oil USP may be applied directly to the skin, added to baths, used in foot soaks, added to hair and body care products, and massage oils to raise magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium Oil USP and Magnesium Gel work great for general wellness. Applying Magnesium Oil USP to sore areas and gently massaging brings relief to tense muscles. Be sure to apply this to the bottom of the feet for internal delivery!

Massage therapists are incorporating the Magnesium Oil USP, Magnesium Oil plus Aloe Vera, Magnesium Gel, and Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera with their essential oils for use with their clients with great success. I have also used this for reflexology treatments and chiropractors and acupuncturists are also using these products. For detailed instructions for use of the specific products, click the “how to use”tab above within each product. for more information visit the Magnesium Oil USP page.

Will the Magnesium Oil stain as other oils can?

Although this product is named Magnesium OIL, the viscosity of this actually resembles that of water. The name was applied years ago as, once applied to the skin, there is an appearance of oil. When you pour some into the palm of your hand it almost ‘rolls around’ as oil does. Because of this, it mixes well with other liquids – well, except OILS!! In which case it separates just as water would when mixed with oils. You can add essential oils to this and customize it to suit you.

Magnesium Oil plus Aloe Vera

Health and Wisdom’s Magnesium Oil plus Aloe Vera is ideal for sensitive skin! This product combines Magnesium Oil plus Aloe Vera to create a fabulous product. Aloe Vera, one of natures finest moisturizers, softens and revitalizes chapped, moisture-deprived skin while helping normal skin retain moisture. The combination soothes the skin leaving it soft and supple with a healthy glow.

This may be applied directly to or sprayed on the skin – full strength or diluted.

  • Spray yourself
    Spray your entire body. Let this air dry for best results. There is no need for additional washing or rinsing.
  • Apply to the feet and hands
    Rub into the soles of the feet and hands. Once dry, the magnesium is absorbed and any residue (this is sea salt and can feel sticky or appear white) can be rinsed or wiped off without impacting the magnesium.
  • Massage
    Gently massage into the skin, cuticles, hair and scalp. Repeat as necessary. May be added to massage oils.
  • After a bath or shower
    Pat dry and apply to the body.

Magnesium Gel

Magnesium Gel may be applied directly to the skin or mixed with shampoos, conditioners, lotions, shaving cream, virtually anything applied to the skin or hair. It’s thicker consistency is great! For more information visit the Magnesium Gel page.

Adding essential oils is fine to further customize this! Excellent for use as a daily moisturizer for your entire body.

  • Skin Care
    Apply to your entire body. Let this air dry for best results. May be applied directly to the skin. There is no need for additional washing or rinsing.
  • Apply to the feet and hands
    Rub into the soles of the feet and hands. Once dry, the magnesium is absorbed and any residue (this is sea salt and can feel sticky or appear white) can be rinsed or wiped off without impacting the magnesium.
  • Massage
    Gently massage into the skin, cuticles, hair and scalp. Repeat as necessary. May be added to massage oils.
  • After a bath or shower
    Pat dry and apply to the body.

Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera

Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera is ideal for sensitive skin! This product combines Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera to create a fabulous product. Aloe Vera, one of natures finest moisturizers, softens and revitalizes chapped, moisture-deprived skin while helping normal skin retain moisture. The combination soothes the skin leaving it soft and supple with a healthy glow.

Adding essential oils is fine to further customize this! Excellent for use as a daily moisturizer for your entire body.

  • Skin Care
    Apply to your entire body. Let this air dry for best results. May be applied directly to the skin. There is no need for additional washing or rinsing.
  • Apply to the feet and hands
    Rub into the soles of the feet and hands. Once dry, the magnesium is absorbed and any residue (this is sea salt and can feel sticky or appear white) can be rinsed or wiped off without impacting the magnesium.
  • Massage
    Gently massage into the skin, cuticles, hair and scalp. Repeat as necessary. May be added to massage oils.
  • After a bath or shower
    Pat dry and apply to the body.

Magnesium Prills

Use Prill Water EVERYDAY!

Use Magnesium Prills to treat all your water. Plants, children, and adults love this water. Use it for your cooking, making tea, drinking, washing vegetables, as a moisturizing spray, therapeutic bathing, laundry, and plants as well!

What are the benefits of Magnesium Prill Water?

Experience the Sensation of Prill Water

Magnesium Prills treat water by alkalinizing it (putting the body in a state to become alkaline faster), decreasing surface tension, and creating smaller water clusters. Smaller water clusters allow for better penetration in and around everything they touch. Magnesium Prills (Magnesium Oxide) provide virtually no magnesium to the body. Magnesium Oxide is frequently used in supplements, however, the body will only absorb 4-10% of the amount temp-on the label. For example, if the label states 250 mg in the form of magnesium oxide, you will only absorb 10mg to 25mg. This is a horrible source for magnesium.

Ordinary tap water contains less than 10% of properly structured hexagonal water that can be used for hydrating cells. Magnesium Prills change ordinary water into “thin” water (hexagonal), which assimilates into the body cells. Magnesium Prill Water will enhance your nutrient absorption and toxin elimination thus improving your health. Prill water is physically “thinner”which allows greater penetration in and around the cells of the body and when each cell is properly hydrated and the correct gap between each cell restored, the communication between cells is enhanced. When cells communicate properly everything in the body works better.

Prill Water Features

  • Provides superior hydration
  • Enhances nutrient absorption
  • Improves detoxification
  • Improves metabolic efficiency
  • Improves cellular communication
  • Readily used by plants and people
  • Prill water has an alkalizing potential to raise your body’s pH
  • Creates structure within the body
  • Forms an integral part of the cell membrane and interior of the cell of living organisms

Magnesium Prill beads can be used for drinking, cooking, plants, washing vegetables, as a moisturizing spray, therapeutic bathing and laundry pouches and more. Variation in prill bead color is normal and part of the manufacturing process. For more information visit the Magnesium Prill page!

In the Laundry

Improve your health by not having chemical residue on your clothing – and ultimately on your skin to be absorbed. Our bodies absorb everything put on the skin, if you would not eat it do not put it to your skin!

As a laundry pouch

Treating water with Magnesium Prills will soften the water and actually make the water ‘thinner’. This allows greater penetration in and around the fibers of all fabrics reducing the amount of detergent and softener needed! Clothes smell great – you may want to rewash your wardrobe!!

Make your own laundry pouch! Use heavy cotton mesh material, such as Duck canvas, sew a pouch ~ leaving an opening for the prills ~ and put about 1 pound of Magnesium Prills in the pouch. Sew closed. It is a good idea to double stitch the corners. For normally soiled clothing, a very small amount of detergent (all natural is preferred) may be necessary. Adjust this amount for heavily soiled clothing. Pre-treat any stubborn stains.

Don’t want to make your own? No longer a problem, we have the Laundry Pouch already made with Magnesium Prills ~ ready to use! Simply toss the laundry pouch into the washer as it is filling with water. Start with 10% of the amount of detergent you normally use and adjust as needed. You will need to pre-treat any stains as usual. Leave this in through the entire cycle.

Between loads set the pouch to the side, air drying the pouch is fine. Do NOT store in an air tight container; do NOT put in dryer. If multiple loads are being washed, leave the pouch in the washer until you are finished with all the loads then set it out to air dry.

Remove the Laundry Pouch if you use chlorine bleach as it weakens the FABRIC. Watch for wear in the pouch fabric and repair or replace as wear occurs to save the prills! You will still need to pre-treat any stains or heavily-soiled items! Use up to 90% LESS Detergent – if you use any at all!

In the Bathroom – Treat your bath water

Adding the Magnesium Prills 2# Bath bag to bath water while filling the tub provides the benefit of thinner bath water! Whatever you add to the bath water works better!! One Magnesium Prills Bath Ball will last for years!

To experience the “ultimate bath”

Magnesium Prills Bath Ball will last for years!

To experience the “ultimate bath”

  • Magnesium Prills Bath Ball will last for years!

    To experience the “ultimate bath”Put the 2# Magnesium PrillsBath Ball in the bathtub while filling it with hot water (a comfortable bath temperature, of course). Once the tub is full, remove the Bath Ball. Do NOT store in an air tight container.
  • Add 2 – 3 small scoops (enclosed in each container) of Magnesium Bath Crystals into the tub.
  • Add one rounded teaspoon each of Magnesium Snow and the Fine Ground Mica Crystals.
  • Soak 20 – 30 minutes and enjoy the Magic of Magnesium! Note: Initially you may experience extreme relaxation and even feel tired. Step out of the tub CAREFULLY!
  • Apply Magnesium Gel liberally to complete your Ultimate Bath!
  • Drink plenty of Prill water after soaking to stay hydrated.

Magnesium Bath Crystals

Magnesium Bath Crystals are an excellent way to supply the body with magnesium. Aids to relieve back pain, muscle pain, and arthritic pain and stiffness. The Magnesium Bath Crystals are a highly concentrated dry form of Magnesium Oil USP. Soaking in Magnesium Bath Crystals relaxes nerves, removes everyday stress, relieves tension, “jump starts” enzymes important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and more! Any time there is a condition involving the whole body people report better results when soaking in our Magnesium Bath Crystals.
Do not be confused when comparing with other products! Check the amount needed per bath and you will realize Health and Wisdom’s Magnesium Bath Crystals are the best value.

To experience the “ultimate bath” Magnesium Bath Crystals are the best value.

To experience the “ultimate bath”

  • Put the 2# Magnesium Prills Bath Ball in the bathtub while filling it with hot water (a comfortable bath temperature, of course). Once the tub is full, remove the Bath Ball.
  • Add 2 – 3 small scoops (enclosed in each container) of Magnesium Bath Crystals into the tub.(Each scoop equals 1 liquid ounce by measure.)
  • Add one rounded teaspoon each of Magnesium Snow and the Fine Ground Mica Crystals.
  • Soak 20 – 30 minutes and enjoy the Magic of Magnesium!

Note: Initially you may experience extreme relaxation and even feel tired. Step out of the tub CAREFULLY!

Magnesium Bath Crystal Size

Number Of Baths

75 gram

1 bath

3/4 pound

up to 6 baths

1.75 pounds

up to 14 baths

5.5 pounds

up to 45 baths

14 pounds

up to 113 baths

35 pounds

up to 284 baths

Always adjust the volume used in each bath to the individual. A child, the elderly, the very sick will require less Magnesium Bath Crystals in each bath. Also, adjust the time accordingly.

Are Epsom Salts the same as Magnesium Bath Crystals?

NO!! Epsom Salts are Magnesium Sulfate and are great as a detoxifier while you absorb a little Magnesium. Magnesium Bath Crystals are Magnesium Chloride and the dry form of our Magnesium Oil USP. When used as directed it loads the body with elemental (absorbable) magnesium while detoxifying a little. Because they work opposite of each other we do not recommend you use them in the same bath. There is no need to purchase added ingredients or use excessive amounts of product making the price per bath much higher than is needful.
To buy now and for more information see the Magnesium Bath Crystals page!

Magnesium Snow

This product is so cool! As part of the “ultimate bath”, add about one-$2$3$4 rounded teaspoon to a bath and your feet will float! yup, right off the floor of tub! man experienced this response 11 out 12 baths! truly amazing.

Magnesium Snow (Magnesium Carbonate) is a natural mineral that possesses mild astringent, detoxifying properties. When used as a face mask, Magnesium Snow may produce a more youthful, healthy complexion as it helps to smooth and soften (normal and dry) skin. Magnesium Snow may be used on any area of concern. Add Magnesium Snow to your bath water to get the benefit of smooth, soft skin for your whole body. One large jar provides enough Magnesium Snow for 25+ baths and many, many facials!

For a mild cleanse, make a paste with Prill water and Magnesium Snow – apply to the face (or area of concern) and allow to dry. Rinse with warm water. For a deep, intense cleanse make a paste with Magnesium Snow and diluted or full strength Magnesium Oil. Apply and let sit for 5-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Do not start with full strength Magnesium Oil!

To a moistened tooth brush add a pinch of Magnesium Snow and 4-5 drops of Magnesium Oil USP to tighten gums and remove plaque! Make a paste with Magnesium Oil USP and Magnesium Snow to whiten teeth and improve teeth and gums.
You also get added Magnesium this way as well! Adding this to your oral hygiene routine is wonderful for the teeth and gums! Some make a paste with Magnesium Oil USP and Magnesium Snow. This will also whiten (naturally) white teeth! For more information see the Magnesium Snow page!

Laminar Mica Crystals


Laminar Mica Crystals come from a flat thin sheet stone found in the Rocky Mountains. The structure of this unique product has the capacity to collect and transmit vibrational frequencies from the ambient free energies of the universe, which are required for healing the human body. When Mica comes in contact with the human body or is in bowls around your home or business, the natural energy pulses from Mica Crystals flood the area and benefit everyone. Users are known to experience increased energy levels, less pain, and better moods! To make room for this good universal energy, daily walk barefoot in the grass (or sand or dirt) to discharge built up static electricity and become truly grounded to Mother Earth!

Intuitives say that Mica Crystals have the power to significantly reverse the aging process, restore function to many parts of the body and reduce arthritic pain. Mica Crystals do not contain any Magnesium.

Some of the uses of Mica

*The fabric used to make the items below needs to be a very dense weave – 500-600 thread count – and preferably 100% Cotton, Wool, or Silk. You do not need a thick layer of Mica. Sewing “channels”into the fabric will hold mica in place better than a wide open unit.

  • Place Mica in bowls around your home or office to provide calming energy to all who enter. Use this in every room by placing 1 to 2 inches in a small dish (4 to 6 inch candy dish works great). Place out of reach of children and animals!
  • Make small bags filled with mica and place behind curtains or other out-of-the-way places.
  • Add Mica to your bath water.
  • Place some Mica in your crisper.
  • Put some in a bowl on your counter top and place your produce on top of the Mica to ripen it faster and help it stay fresh longer.
  • Place your bottles of supplements on top of the Mica to increase good energy.
  • Sprinkle Mica in your shoes for all day energy to your whole body.
  • Make a pad or pillow to lay over sore joints. A single pillow case works nicely for this.
  • Make a sleeper and put it under the bottom sheet in your bed. Two twin sheets or one double sheet folded in half work great for this.
  • Make a pet pad – animals love the energy of Mica.
  • Do not forget your vehicle! Make a pad to sit on while driving.

Is Magnesium Oil healthy and safe for my teeth and gums?


History of Salt for Medicinal Use

The use of salt for health care purposes has a long history, dating back to some of the oldest medical scripts in existence, according to the Science Tribune. Ancient Egyptian papyruses from 1600 B.C. provide recipes for a range of medicinal treatments using salt, particularly in anti-infectives. The ancient Greeks used it for similar purposes, and already knew – more than 2,000 years ago – that it had anti-inflammatory effects.

How Salt Inhibits Dental Bacteria

So, how does a salt water mouth rinse work to reduce dental bacteria? Burning your tongue on a hot drink or hot food is zero fun. One surprising thing that could soothe your pain? A salt water rinse. Rinse your mouth with a solution of 1 teaspoon of salt and a cup of warm water. “It’s actually very soothing,” says Dr. [Sherri] Worth[, a celebrity cosmetic dentist]. The salt can draw infection to the surface of the tissue, where the body eliminates it, and salt helps neutralize the acidic environment that fosters bacteria and it temporarily increases the pH balance of your mouth, creating an alkaline environment in which bacteria struggle to survive. Because they – along with most other natural species – generally prefer an acidic environment, using the rinse often enough can make it difficult for bacteria to breed.

Healing Properties of Salt Water

The use of salt also promotes healing, so it’s ideal to use it 24 hours after minor dental surgery to help your mouth recover. It is an isotonic solution, which means it contains the same salts and minerals our bodies do in equal concentrations. For this reason, it doesn’t irritate the mucous membranes as a medicinal mouthwash might, which is why many dentists recommend it as a gentle healing aid after a procedure. The salt itself does not damage tooth enamel, but sodium and carbohydrates often go hand-in-hand, especially when it comes to processed foods. Oral bacteria feasts on simple sugars and produces tough acids whenever you consume any food or beverage that contains carbohydrates. The acids are kept in contact with tooth enamel by plaque that forms in your mouth throughout the day. The longer it remains in your mouth, the more time the tooth enamel becomes damaged. Bread, pizza, pasta, and salty snacks are among the top sources of sodium in the American diet. While most of these foods are relatively low in sugar, some of their starches can be broken down into simple sugars by the enzymes in your mouth. As your body breaks them down, the starches generate the same damaging effects to your teeth as sugar would. Sodium can also weaken your teeth. A lot like bones, tissues make up your teeth rely on calcium to give them structure and strength. A high sodium intake is shown to increase the amount of calcium your body disposes of through urine, which can lead to osteoporosis and tooth loss. Is there an alternative to sodium chloride for optimal oral health? YES!! Health and Wisdom’s Magnesium Oil, USP. Magnesium is an essential mineral and a cofactor for hundreds of enzymes. Magnesium is involved in many physiologic pathways, including energy production, nucleic acid and protein synthesis, ion transport, cell signaling, and also has structural functions. (More information.) Unlike sodium, the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats to produce energy requires numerous magnesium-dependent chemical reactions. Magnesium is required by the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-synthesizing protein in mitochondria. ATP, the molecule that provides energy for almost all metabolic processes, exists primarily as a complex with magnesium (MgATP). Magnesium is the calcium modulator, dissolves plaque and tartar, and does not weaken teeth like sodium chloride does. Adding 5-6 drops of Health and Wisdom’s Magnesium Oil USP to a damp toothbrush will keep teeth, gums, and tongue healthy. For additional tightening of the gums, add a pinch of Magnesium Snow!

May I use these products on my animals?

YES!! Be sure to adjust for the weight variance. Most instructions are based on a 150 pound adult. Simply divide the recommended amount by 150 and multiply by your pet’s weight to achieve the optimum amount for them. Apply the Magnesium Oil USP or Magnesium Gel to their feet and ears for delivery throughout the system. If there are areas of concern, direct application is fine! This also works for larger animals! The Prill water is NOT recommended for cats. Animals gravitate to the Mica as well! Making a sleeper for them is a wonderful treat.

Note: Magnesium is a laxative for humans AND animals. If your pet can lick the area where you apply the magnesium, their stools can become loose. You have been warned.

Why does my skin feel irritated like it is burning or itchy when using these products?

Magnesium is a vasodilator which means it opens the blood vessels very quickly and this can create a sensation of heat or warmth due to friction below the surface of the skin. This is also an indicator of deficiency as the body is responding very quickly to what it wants and needs. Once your magnesium levels inside the cells increases, this reaction stops. Remember the bottom of the feet is the most important delivery point.Additionally, because the magnesium is a salt there can be a residue left temp-on the skin once the product dries. At this point the magnesium is fully absorbed and the residue may be rinsed or wiped off with a damp cloth.

Magnesium Oil

There are 3182 mg of Magnesium in every ounce of Health & Wisdom’s 

Magnesium Oil USP. That is 538 mg per teaspoon, 109.15 mg per mL! This is the maximum amount physically possible in Liquid Magnesium Oil USP (Chloride). The dry form of the Magnesium Chloride (Bath Crystals) is about double but that number would be reduced once the water is added. Some companies add other ingredients to their products raising the magnesium level – along with adding possible contaminants. If you use our spray bottles, there are 215 mg in eight “sprays”but it is important to remember that when used topically, it is recommended that one ounce per day be applied and why foot or tub soaks are easier.

Magnesium Oil with Aloe Vera

There are 2387 mg of elemental Magnesium in every ounce of Health & Wisdom’s Magnesium Oil plus Aloe Vera. That is 404 mg per teaspoon, 81.96 mg per mL!

Magnesium Gel

There are 1591 mg of Magnesium in every ounce of Health & Wisdom’s Magnesium Gel. That is 269 mg per teaspoon, 54.57 mg per mL!

Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera

There are 1591 mg of Magnesium in every ounce of Health & Wisdom’s Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera. That is 269 mg per teaspoon, 54.57 mg per mL!

Magnesium Bath Crystals

There are 2993 mg of elemental Magnesium in every 1 ounce scoop (included with each container) of Health & Wisdom’s Magnesium Bath Crystals. Using 2-3 scoops (equivalent to 2-3 liquid ounces) per bath you will have up to 8979 mg of elemental Magnesium available in each bath! When buying Magnesium Bath Crystals, check the dosage. The price per pound may be less but the price per bath can be excessive! Our Magnesium Bath Crystals contain ONLY Magnesium Chloride (the proven source for optimal absorption at the cellular level) and nothing is added. If a product is pure magnesium chloride, using 1-2 cups would be excessive and extremely wasteful. Shop smart.

Can I get too much Magnesium through these products?

Except for patients with kidney failure, there is virtually NO illness which is not helped significantly by Magnesium! – Dr. Shealy

As long as your kidneys are healthy and functioning properly any excess magnesium derived from the topical magnesium will be excreted. If you are experiencing diarrhea, simply reduce the amount you are using temp-on a daily basis. Also, those who take oral magnesium products may find their stools are loose because the topical magnesium is so effective, the oral is too much for the intestines. We do NOT recommend any oral magnesium product as they are all laxatives! Would you take a little Ex-lax® everyday?

Magnesium Oil

Magnesium Chloride USP Grade – we do not add any other ingredients as the clinical trials done by Dr. Shealy proved this is the best form of magnesium to increase magnesium at the cellular level. This product is mined as a liquid – not watered up bath crystals!

Magnesium Oil with Aloe Vera

Magnesium Chloride USP Grade, Purified Water, Whole Leaf Aloe Vera CO

Magnesium Gel

Magnesium Chloride USP Grade, Purified Water, and Seaweed Extract *The Seaweed Extract is all natural and meets FCC VIII and USP standards. This is used as a thickening agent and does not contain carrageenan!

Magnesium Gel plus Aloe Vera

Magnesium Chloride USP Grade, Purified Water, Whole Leaf Aloe Vera CO, Seaweed Extract *The Seaweed Extract is all natural and meets FCC VIII and USP standards. This is used as a thickening agent and does not contain carrageenan!

Magnesium Bath Crystals and are they USP?

Magnesium Chloride Salts (hexahydrate) – the proven ingredient to raise intracellular levels of magnesium quickly and safely! Nothing is added. Magnesium Chloride by nature is very hygroscopic meaning it absorbs moisture from the air. Our Magnesium Bath Crystals are “prilled”to prevent this. (not be confused with the Magnesium Prillsare magnesium oxide and while this is the least effective form of magnesium for supplementation (only 4-10% of the mg listed on any supplement label will be absorbed) it is the only form that will alter the structure of water, reducing the surface tension creating a “thin”water that makes it more absorbable by the cells of the body. This improves hydration dramatically. This same principle also works for the bath (Magnesium Bath Ball) as the thinner water allows for better penetration through the skin or in the laundry (Laundry Pouch) to permeate the fibers of the fabric to lift out dirt and soften the clothes. Health and Wisdom’s Magnesium Prillsare kiln hardened to last for years but nothing lasts forever! The Drinking Prills (523090) will treat about 1,000 gallons and depending on how much water you drink, this could be 2-5 years before they need to be replaced. Some people keep them much longer and they are still very effective. If you feel the taste has changed, consider replacing these. The Laundry Prills (523126) generally last longer than the fabric does. When washed with every load be sure to check the fabric for wear to prevent the prill beads from going down the drain. Replace the Prills every 2-4 years depending temp-on use. The Prill Bath Ball (523002) will last for years. Again, depending on the number of times this is used, the Prill beads will last for years.

  • The human body is made up of 75 to 100 trillion cells
  • Cells are supposed to have a specific shape and gap between them
  • Each one of these cells have the ability to communicate and receive messages from other cells
  • 1% of the Magnesium in the body is in the blood and except for extreme cases of acute alcoholism, starvation, or diabetic acidosis a deficiency will never be discovered through a blood test
  • Magnesium is supposed to be the 7th most abundant mineral in the body
  • Magnesium is responsible for the relaxation phase of the muscles and the heart
  • Magnesium is required in over 325 enzymatic processes in the body
  • One function of Magnesium is to regulate the nerves

FUNCTIONS OF MAGNESIUM Magnesium (the relaxer) is required at the center of every cell in the body. When the cells are low in magnesium, calcium (the constrictor) moves to the center of the cell to protect the cell integrity. This causes EVERY CELL in the body to be tight. It is little wonder we suffer from muscle stiffness, headaches, insomnia, rage, and more! Magnesium is required for the proper function of over 325 enzymatic processes in the body. Magnesium is needed to keep the brain, nerves, flexors, motor nerves, spinal nerves and functions throughout the system functioning properly. Passion cools under the influence of magnesium. Negative passions such as hatred, temper outbursts, jealousy, quarrels, resentment, bitterness, hostility, selfishness, greed NEED MAGNESIUM!

Clinical Trials

Dr. C. Norman Shealy, MD PhD performed clinical trials to determine if Magnesium Chloride (Oil) would facilitate absorption of Magnesium through the skin and reach the cellular level. He recruited 16 individuals with low intracellular magnesium levels to participate in the following experiment. The protocol/consent form explaining study this study is as follows: “Our purpose was to research whether or not magnesium was absorbed through the skin. Exclusion factors included anyone taking oral or IV magnesium during the last 6 weeks and smokers.” Individuals sprayed a solution of 50% Magnesium Oil USP over the entire body once daily for a month and did a 20 minute foot soak in Magnesium Oil USP once daily for a month. Subjects had a baseline Intracellular Magnesium Test documenting their deficiency and another post-Intracellular Magnesium Test after 1 month of daily soaks.

The results were impressive. Twelve of sixteen patients, 75%, had significant improvements in intracellular magnesium levels after only four weeks of foot soaking and skin spraying. This is the first known proof of absorption of Magnesium through the skin! – Dr. Shealy

Why Topical Magnesium?
 “Most people are deficient in magnesium and transdermal is the best and fastest way to use it. Furthermore, transdermal is the only way which has been proven to raise DHEA.” Dr C. Norman Shealy The skin is the largest organ of the body and anything put ON the skin is absorbed IN the body! If you would not eat something, do not put it on your skin as it WILL be absorbed! A simple test – rub a clove of garlic on the bottom of your foot, within SECONDS you will taste it! All the nerves in the body end in the feet. Assuming there is no foot injury any sore spot on the feet is a result of inflamed nerves to the corresponding organ! This chart maps the entire body. Similar points are found on the hands and ears as well! Reflexology is based on this science. When properly worked through deep tissue massage the nerves are relaxed and the relief is sent to the organs in distress! This is the same delivery path the Magnesium takes to increase magnesium at the cellular level. A 20-30 minute foot soak in two to four ounces of Health And Wisdom’s Magnesium Oil USP will begin delivering magnesium to every cell in the body INSTANTLY! Back to Top Back to Top

Use Prill Water EVERYDAY!

Use Magnesium Prills to treat all your water. Plants, children, and adults love this water. Use it for your cooking, making tea, drinking, washing vegetables, as a moisturizing spray, therapeutic bathing, laundry, and plants as well!

In the Laundry

Improve your health by not having chemical residue on your clothing – and ultimately temp-on your skin to be absorbed. Our bodies absorb everything put on the skin, if you would not eat it do not put it to your skin!

As a laundry pouch

Treating water with Magnesium Prills will soften the water and actually make the water ‘thinner’. This allows greater penetration in and around the fibers of all fabrics reducing the amount of detergent and softener needed! Clothes smell great – you may want to rewash your wardrobe!! Make your own laundry pouch! Use heavy cotton mesh material, such as Duck canvas, sew a pouch ~ leaving an opening for the prills ~ and put about 1 pound of Magnesium Prills in the pouch. Sew closed. It is a good idea to double stitch the corners. For normally soiled clothing, a very small amount of detergent (all natural is preferred) may be necessary. Adjust this amount for heavily soiled clothing. Pre-treat any stubborn stains.

Don’t want to make your own? No longer a problem, we have the Laundry Pouch already made with Magnesium Prills ~ ready to use! Simply toss the laundry pouch into the washer as it is filling with water. Start with 10% of the amount of detergent you normally use and adjust as needed. You will need to pre-treat any stains as usual. Leave this in through the entire cycle. Between loads set the pouch to the side, air drying the pouch is fine. Do NOT store in an air tight container; do NOT put in dryer. If multiple loads are being washed, leave the pouch in the washer until you are finished with all the loads then set it out to air dry. Remove the Laundry Pouch if you use chlorine bleach as it weakens the FABRIC. Watch for wear in the pouch fabric and repair or replace as wear occurs to save the prills! You will still need to pre-treat any stains or heavily-soiled items! Use up to 90% LESS Detergent – if you use any at all!

In the Bathroom – Treat your bath water

Adding the Magnesium Prills 2# Bath bag to bath water while filling the tub provides the benefit of thinner bath water! Whatever you add to the bath water works better!! One Magnesium Prills Bath Ball will last for years!

To experience the “ULTIMATE BATH”

  • Put the 2# Magnesium Prills Bath Ball in the bathtub while filling it with hot water (a comfortable bath temperature, of course). Once the tub is full, remove the Bath Ball. Do NOT store in an air tight container.
  • Add 2 – 3 small scoops (enclosed in each container) of Magnesium Bath Crystals into the tub.
  • Add one rounded teaspoon each of Magnesium Snow and the Fine Ground Mica Crystals.
  • Soak 20 – 30 minutes and enjoy the Magic of Magnesium! Note: Initially you may experience extreme relaxation and even feel tired. Step out of the tub CAREFULLY!
  • Apply Magnesium Gel liberally to complete your Ultimate Bath!
  • Drink plenty of Prill water after soaking to stay hydrated.

YES!! We want the best for our customers and, therefore, demand the best of our suppliers!

We would love to hear from you. Click on the Contact Us link and fill in the form. Be sure to upload your photo so we can put a name to a face. THANK YOU!

Absolutely! We love partnering with wholesale customers such as health food stores, practitioners, massage therapists, eye doctors, veterinarians, and others! Providing the purest products at the best prices has been our goal from day one. Most companies today water up the dry magnesium and never reach the concentration or purity of our products. While the price per unit or pound may appear cheaper, the price per dose is always much higher! We also offer private labeling for those looking to build their own brand name. Send us your state resale certificate (this protects everyone) to prove you are a legitimate business in a health related field and we will be in touch. Visit our reseller page for more information.